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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  : ggi-develop <>
  Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:02:05 -0400 (EDT)

TGA port to kgicon

I just got my hands on the TGA technical specs. So I will use these to
write a tga port to kgicon. You might say well their is already a tga
frame buffer device so why do this. 

  This will show that kgi can be platform independent (not vga centric). 
  Also porting as much other types of hardware to kgi will help us design
  a new API. IMHO we should try port all the hardware for amigas, atatri,
  sparcs, etc to kgicon and see what they share in common. Framebuffer
  devices are very poor when it comes to a standard accel ioctl. This
  needs to be standardize.

 Lots more hardware acceleration. Line drawing, fast copys etc. 

 The current tga framebuffer device can only do 32 and 8 bit modes. The
 kgicon drive will be able to do 1, 12, and 24 bit mode as well. Yes their
 is a trick to do this. 

 I don't know for sure but it looks like you can if you have enough video
 memory have two monitors run sperately from each other. In other words
 two consoles out of one card.

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