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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:00:32 -0400 (EDT)

Re: 3d

> Martin Hess wrote:
> > 
> > I am thinking about helping with the 3d part of GGI. Specifically I would
> > like to support the Matrox G200.
> > 
> > Where do things stand today on the 3d front? I didn't find anything in the
> > sources. Is development active? Is there a strategy in place?
> The strategy is to not have any strategy! :o)

Actually there is a strategy. 3D was the reason for me to join GGI. 
First we provide basic 2D support for all platforms and hardware. This is
so we can come up with a standard API that will work with everything. As
for 3D for right now I plan to put this stuff into kgicon/kgi/accel for
serveral cards. Right now kgicon does use any hardware accels but as more
advance features are added we can develope a standard API for 3D stuff.

> Nothing of this is done yet. You will have to plunge into unknown water.

Why we are discussing this. I have been working with the TGA video adapter
and have notice it supports gourand shading and z buffering. It does not
have texture mapping. Alot of cards have gourand shading and z buffering. 
How should we support this? Any ideas?

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