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  From: Chris Meadors <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 08:54:42 -0400

Re: Snapshot permissions - again

Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > I've noticed, that the problem with the permissions in the snapshots
> > isn't fixed. The execution permissions aren't available in the dev- and
> > the stable-tree.
> >
> > It seems no one is interested in fixing this. Don't expect, that new
> > people will join the ggi-project if they can't do a single make without a
> > "permission denied".
> Well, I haven't got a clue about why it haven't been fixed yet???
> But if the person that generates the snapshots could just tell me
> how he generates them I'll write a script that fixes the permissions
> within 15 seconds!

I didn't think the problem was with my snapshot generation method.  Well
anyway, I have now fixed the permissions on the current dir structure (with
a script that took more than 15 seconds to run, so if I need to do it again,
I would like to have your script).  The question is, will it stay that way
if a new file is added to the CVS that has the exec bit set?  I update from
the CVS server with this command, "/usr/bin/cvs update -PAd", is that
correct?  Then the directory is tarred up with, "/bin/tar -czf $GGINAME
degas", where $GGINAME has the date stamp information in it, and the .tar.gz

Thank you, and let me know if I need to do anything else.


P.S.  Are there any other files that need special permissions?  Like read
only, or lesser permissions for other users?
Two penguins were walking on an iceberg.  The first penguin said to the 
second, "you look like you are wearing a tuxedo".  The second penguin 
said, "I might be".

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