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  From: Jordan Mendelson <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 19:06:14 -0400

RE: Snapshot permissions - again

> > I've noticed, that the problem with the permissions in the snapshots
> > isn't fixed. The execution permissions aren't available in the dev- and
> > the stable-tree.
> >
> > It seems no one is interested in fixing this. Don't expect, that new
> > people will join the ggi-project if they can't do a single make
> without a
> > "permission denied".
> Well, I haven't got a clue about why it haven't been fixed yet???
> But if the person that generates the snapshots could just tell me
> how he generates them I'll write a script that fixes the permissions
> within 15 seconds!

Supposedly the new CVS snapshot has an option to preserve permissions
correctly, maybe they need to upgrade :)

CVS devel is @


Jordan Mendelson     :
Web Services, Inc.   :

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