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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 13:57:20 +1000

Re: keyboard.h changes

Marcus writes:

>  I've gone over the keyboard.h and changed some things that were
>  too Linux/PC-specific or just too weird, and added in missing lots
>  of missing keys.
I hope Jason is not using this header file for GGI Console, because if
he is then you just broke it.  That's the reason that some of the crap
in there had not been cleaned up before, because there needs to be a
1-to-1 correspondence between the values in keyboard.h and the
keymapping tables in drivers/char/default/*.

I'm a bit pissed off.  Changes to the API, especially when they break
things (such as removing NORMAL out of the modifier names) should be
discussed first, implemented second.

>  I've also made it Unicode compatible by shifting the "typ" 16 bits 

It was already Unicode compatible.  The range U+E000 - U+F800 is the
"application private zone".  Admittedly we had overstepped the mark, but
that was easily fixed (e.g. starting at 0xE000 instead).  The bigger
range may also break things (e.g. that use uni_char or uint16 for
keysyms).  I know it breaks Xmame (there's this dirty big 64K table in
there -- yes it needs cleaning up but that's not the point).

>  Btw, isn't there a way to tell left/right shift and eachother on the
>  Linux console?

There's the K_SHIFTL, K_SHIFTR keysyms, but AFAIK keymapping tables
just use K_SHIFT, so the answer is no.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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