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  From: Stefan Mars <>
  To  : Chris Meadors <>
  Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 19:40:23 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Another new web page idea.

On Sat, 15 Aug 1998, Chris Meadors wrote:

> Look here: .  I think I like this one
> more than the last, so I have put more work into it.  Let me know if you
> hate it.

Then I am first in line :) Well, I don't really _hate_ it, but it looks
quite boring to me. The thing that I reacted the most to is that the GGI
logo is missing. We went through some quite heated discussions to come up
with that logo, so let's keep it shall we? :)


| Stefan Mars              |Student, Applied physics & Electrical engineering |
| Bjoernkaerrsgatan 15B:30 |Linkoping Institute of Technology                 |
| S-584 36 Linkoping       |                                                  |
| Sweden                   |Email: Phone: +46 (0)13175384 |
|         Maintainer of The THX Home Cinema Buyers Guide, located at          |
|                    |
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