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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 13:59:09 +0200

Re: 2.1.115 compile errors.

> 2.1.113 worked for me with kgicon; 2.1.114 compiled but I haven't
> tried kgicon on it yet.  Probably best to downgrade unless you have
> hw problems with lower versions.

2.1.114 works very well with kgicon and the Millennium II driver
for me, and the libggi demos I've tried also work fine on the
fbdev target.

But I still haven't gotten fbset to work, is it supposed to
work with the kgicon drivers?

For now I have to do:
cp kgicon.o kgicon2.o
insmod kgicon2 kgicon_initial_height=480
con2fbmap 1 1
to switch modes, which feels sort of weird. ;)


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