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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 00:40:19 -0400 (EDT)

Re: 2.1.115 compile errors.

On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, James A Simmons wrote:

> Where is the patch to compile this kernel. I tried compiling it on my 586
> and it crashes on init_task.c under /arch/i386/kernel. Once this works I
> can test the kgicon driver. Is anyone here tring to make a Makefile
> compatable with the linux kernel? Thanks.
> 						James Simmons

2.1.113 worked for me with kgicon; 2.1.114 compiled but I haven't
tried kgicon on it yet.  Probably best to downgrade unless you have
hw problems with lower versions.

There is a small amount of work on kernel style makefiles in the chipset/WD
directory.  But it diverges from the way kgi has always done things
which is to select a chip type and a chip model; it does a checklist
of which models the driver supports; which would require changes to the 
higher level makefiles.  Play with/mutilate it however you wish :)

P.S. the whole kernel driver structure needs some reworking for
multi-adaptor support; the strategy of relying on a symbol 
(e.g. kgim_chipset_set_mode) should be replaced with a function
table (e.g. display->chipset_set_mode).  Anyone want to work on
this with me?  The main problem I see is that the insmod commandline
is really a horrible interface.  Something /proc oriented after
module insertion would be better, as was agreed by many on this list
some time ago for the unified monitor driver.  Was going to use 
an EvClass for this but...

Brian S. Julin

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