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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 12:21:11 -0700 (MST)

Re: linux-2.1.115

On Fri, 14 Aug 1998 wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 03:01:15AM +0200, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > > Umm - anyone else had any trouble with this beasty?  I can't get lxdialog
> > > to work... *sigh*  (as in - "make menuconfig" FAILS badly!)
> > > [ever since I had to rebuild -everything-... mayhaps I missed something]
> > > So I used "make config" *sigh*
> > > [I'm glibc-2.0.7 (with ncurses,localedata,crypt,linuxthreads)
> > > manual-compiled, egcs-2.91.52 (also tried gcc fwiw... and
> The Documentation/Changes says you need gcc >=
>                                                      ^

Nope - that wasn't it.  Incidentally, egcs-2.91.52 works fine for
compiling the -kernel- (and anything else).  I just have probs with

> > > EVERYTHING else works]
> > 
> > I haven't been able to get _any_ version of dialog to work either
> > since I installed glibc-2.0.6, but it doesn't bother me that much. ;-)
> I also had some problems with dialog when using 2.1.11x kernels, so I had to
> use export TERM=vt100 when configuring kgicon. :(
> But when I upgraded my system with the stable debian 2.0 hamm cd, dialog 
> started to work again. I'm now using dialog version 0.9a-12.0.

Oh?  My prob is ncurses : it doesn't read the arrow keys, function keys,
etc.  Using numbers and the "-" and "+" keys worked as a workaround though
(just not the numeric keypad).

Anyone seen this before?  I thought it was the terminfo entries so I
reinstalled those (from redhat-5.1) as well as the ncurses from there -
and that didn't fix anything *sigh*.
Ah well- next try glibc-2.1  (2.0.95)

Now to configure kgicon so it actually works :)
[it inserts, goes to an unusable screen, then I rmmod it and text returns :]
Well, at least I know what's going on here....

libGGI works quite nicely though :)  [haven't checked on kgicon yet

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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