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  From: Matthew Wilkins <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 00:34:30 -0400

problems with kgicon


I'm haven't been able to get kgicon working at all; I'd appreciate any

the basic problem is that when I insert kgicon.o, the computer locks up
showing some grey bars, colored dots and something resembling the ATI logo,
but messed up. (my card is an ATI Mach64.) typing at the keyboard doesn't
seem to have any effect.  I tried changing the bit depth as suggested in a
post from a while back, but that had no effect except different patterns of
dots 'n' bars... 

my kernel is a stock 2.1.113 with vgafb, etc.  compiled in and vgacon left out.
I'm using the CVS devel snapshot from August 12. 

can anyone help?  I was going to hack on the Mach64 drivers a bit but
I'd like to get a 'working' driver working first ;)


Matt Wilkins

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