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  From: Jan Kneschke <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 23:15:19 +0200 (MEST)


is there a possibility to buy the LJ in germany ?? i wanna have the current
issue. (andi's libggi article)

BTW: andi, was it planned that ddj (i have it) and lj released your 
article in same time ??

are there some other printed-media articles somewhere about ggi ??

i have only read the ddj-article this from july-issue. i think we should
promote ggi in german-mags too. i think c't and linux-magazin would be happy
for such articles. for every german in here: just look at tom's-readme (LM).

thats all

       Project: GGI - S3-Vision-driver --
         -)=  Jan (Weigon) Kneschke -- Kiel -- Northern Germany =(-

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