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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  : Steve Cheng <>
  Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 02:26:18 +0200

Re: Extreme coolness and Re: helper-mansync continued...

> On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > There seems to still be some problems when having multiple SYNC
> > visuals open though.
> Could you outline how you reproduced it?

1 /misc/hacks/src/ggi/cvs/degas/lib/libggi/demos >> setenv GGI_DISPLAY 
0 /misc/hacks/src/ggi/cvs/degas/lib/libggi/demos >> demo
Trying mode 0x0#0x0 D0x0 F 1 [0/0]
Suggested mode 640x480#640x480 D1x1 F 1 [8/8]
Xlib: sequence lost (0x10000 > 0x2f6) in reply type 0x1!

And the application stops.

> One possibility I'm thinking is that each display-X (for example) has its
> OWN lock, so if visual A is doing some X call and visual B is sync'ing ...
> Or does it not matter if they're separate connections ?  
> (provided that Xlib is threadsafe, I don't know if Debian's is)

Well, the only X calls that are made (except when setting modes) in the
X-target are the ones in ggiFlush() and mansync is ignored while the
handler calls ggiFlush().

But wait... demo.c does ggiFlush() itself even though it's in SYNC mode,
what if it recieves a sync-signal while in there?


Nah, disabling mansync in the X-target's ggiFlush doesn't help, sigh...
Dunno what the problem is then.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |      E-Mail:

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