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  From: Ursetto, James F. <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 17:45:39 -0500 (CDT)

Re: Fwd: Re: kgicon, etc.

I wrote:
>  I'm waiting until vgafb supports resizable consoles and font changes (will
>  it ever?)

Andrew wrote:
> Nope, vgafb is going away -- but vgacon *and* framebuffer support can
> coexist.

Now that I've downloaded the latest CVS and tried out the cool new
multi-resolution support, I'd like to know how vgacon and framebuffer
support coexist.  I have vgacon as boot driver, then insert the KGI driver
(which becomes fb0).  All is well, but the kgicon driver can't be removed
because you can't unmap the consoles from it.  Does some other magic need
to be done to get this to work?  It'd be really, really, really nice to be
able to do it.

The oopsing under kgicon in certain programs happens over here whenever I
try to page up under lynx, vile, mutt, etc.  Holding down pageup
invariably causes the oops.

Has been flaky for anyone else lately?  I can't seem to send
messages through very often, which is why I copied this to Andrew.

s       e = 3  3e = 8  c = 3e8       e  "Man with giant head   
a   murasaki Dragon   -==[UDIC]==-   s    use purple-monkey    
p          e     technique."         
e                akira               n         - Golden Spider 
m                          -t.s. eliot                         

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