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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 13:49:11 +0200

Re: ggi_key_event confusion

> >  What we need is one entry describing what physical key was pressed
> That is "label".
> >  and one entry describing the meaning of that key, with regard taken
> >  to modifiers and such. 
> That is "sym".

Ok, then we have cleared out that.
Now all we have to do is make sure the targets conform to this,
and document it.

> The GGI_KEY_* handle both labels and syms.  For example, pressing ALT+F1
> gives a label of GGI_KEY_F1, and a sym of GGI_KEY(KT_CONS, 0).

Excuse me??? I thought we agreed to delinuxify libggi a long time
ago. If GGI_KT_CONS refers to console-switching it should be
removed right away. Telling a win32 application to switch virtual
console would be kind of bizzare...

> I noticed you added a set of keys for latin1 chars (GGI_KV_*), but IMHO
> this is rather silly, since the values are defined by the Unicode /
> ISO-8859-1 standards and will never change.  Should we add the other
> 30000 unicode values too ? *hehehe*

It's very convenient for people writing targets, wrappers and emulators, 
to name a few uses. I assume that I'm not the only one who doesn't know
either the ascii-code for an "ucircumflex" or how to type it on the


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