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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 00:40:50 +1000

Even more LibGGI updates

Hi !

OK I've committed the new "generic-color" library, but so far only the
fbdev target uses it (funnily enough, it shows that the color offsets in
the kgicon's var structure are wrong -- easily fixed though).  The
memory target doesn't yet fill out the red_mask etc., so crossblitting
produces lovely bits of black :-).

To fix other targets, just add "generic-color" into GGIgetapi(), and
make sure you set up the PIXFMT information beforehand.  You still need
to provide GGIsetpalvec (on indexed modes) which should store the colors
into vis->palette (and set the palette).  But GGImapcolor, unmappixel,
getpalvec, packcolors & unpackpixels will be handled by generic-color
(except for GT_TEXT modes -- the text-{16,32} libraries will handle 'em).

Other changes include the "_nc" suffix for Non-Clipping versions of
certain functions (putpixel, drawpixel, drawhline, drawvline).  Also the
visual structure got rearranged again, I've put the "Misc" stuff at the
end since it is more likely to be extended in the future.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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