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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 00:58:05 -0700

Re: ggi_key_event confusion

Andrew Apted says:
> Marcus writes:
> >  > That is the purpose of label.  code is platform (i.e. keyboard) dependent.
> >  
> >  Well, label is a highly braindead name, because the key to the left of
> >  backspace has a different label on your keyboard than on mine. ;)
> So you want "position" information as well ?  How about the coordinates
> (x,y) in millimeters, from the top of the keyboard to the key ?  Now
> all you have to do is collect every keyboard ever made and measure it
> with a ruler... *hehehe*.
> Seriously, position information (even if were sane) it not a great way
> to abstract the keyboard.  With the label, it's obvious what the value
> should be : just look at the key.

Whatever it is, it's obvious from Marcus' confusion that the meanings
of "code", "sym", and "label" should be very clearly documented, and
my vote goes to putting a brief explanation (examples, even) in the
*header*, so it's impossible to make wrong assumptions if you're even
remotely paying attention.

This should always be the case with such arbitrarily-chosen (and
easily misinterpreted) names.

-Neal Tucker

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