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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 21:10:08 -0400 (EDT)

Re: ggi_key_event confusion

On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Currently ggi_key_event has these three entries:
>         uint32  sym;            /* meaning of key (action)      */
>         uint32  code;           /* keyboard's code for key      */
>         uint32  label;          /* label on key                 */
> The only obvious entry is "code", and that is not properly implemented
> (or implemented at all) on most targets.                       

What obvious entry..

> What we need is one entry describing what physical key was pressed
> and one entry describing the meaning of that key, with regard taken
> to modifiers and such. And we need _every_ supported value for both
> these entries to have a corresponding GGI_* define.


That is the purpose of label.  code is platform (i.e. keyboard) dependent.

> I suggest that we have a "code" entry with corresponding GGI_KCODE_*
> defines and a "sym" entry with corresponding GGI_KSYM_* entries.

Or you mean we should have separate defines for the key's label and the

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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