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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 00:06:08 +0200 (CEST)

Re: Graph types...

On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> > > >  we define a couple of graphtypes, but for exampl GT_16BIT, what IS 16 bit?
> > > >  is it a 5-5-5-1 (XGA) mode, a 5-6-5 (TARGA) mode, or even a 6-6-5 RGB
> > > >  mode?
> > > 
> > > It depends on the hardware.  The mode could be RGB 5:6:5 or 6:6:4 or
> > > 5:7:4, with or without byte swapping (e.g. little endian card in a big
> > > endian machine).  Once you set the mode, you can query the format with
> > > the ggiGetPixelFormat() function or via the DirectBuffer interface.
> > > 
> > Ok, and what should be set as default in a RAMDAC driver then? Since the
> > ramdac has to set different multiplexing values for each? Since we don't
> > support Overlay, that's not a problem, I'll discount those modes, but, a
> > 565 mode would then be more exact I assume...
> Please note that the KGI API still uses the old, limited and VGA
> centric graphtype scheme which only defines GT_1/4/8/15/16/24/32BIT
> and GT_TEXT16/32.
> Whereas libggi uses a new system where a graphtype is made up of
> depth (number of significant bits), size (physical pixelsize), a
> "scheme" (palette/truecolor/grayscale/text) and a "subscheme"
> (endianness and such), where the GT_??BIT modes are just some
> common predefines.
> Look at degas/include/ggi/types.h in the devel CVS to see the new
> graphtype API.
> Btw, I hope that the graphtype system in Steffens new KGI API is
> more flexible than in the current KGI(s).

OK, this dounds good to me, and rather trival to implement into drivers,
atleast those I'm familiar with, let's all hope Steffen has something
similar in mind.


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