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  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 13:58:51 -0600

unable to open default visual

Hi all-
I'm attempting to use libGGI.  I downloaded the development sources from
8/11 and libggi compiles fine, but when I try to run the demo program under
X, I get "unable to open default visual".  Any suggestions?  I have gotten
previous versions of libGGI to work.

This raises a more general question:  Should I even be using the
development sources?  The reason I tried those was because it seems I need
some functions that are only in libggi2d (such as ggiSetClip, ggiScroll,
ggiBlit and some combination of ggiSetOperator,ggiSetAlpha,ggiBlitTrans,
and ggiBlitOp).  But libggi2d is only in the development sources.  Is this
functionality somewhere else in a stable distribution or am I correct in
using the development sources?

Thanks for your help-

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