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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 08:40:19 -0400 (EDT)

Re: kgicon FAQ

On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> 	If you keep your drivers monolithic, they will degenerate over
> time into an unreadable mess of #if blocks and special cases.  This is
> exactly what has happened to the XFree86 drivers.  In contrast, with a KGI
> driver the interfaces are clean and everyone knows what subsections are
> responsible for what tasks/info.  It isn't perfect, of course; IMHO, the
> chipset driver is still too monolithic.  Hardware detection and
> initialization and IO methods should be broken out into their own driver
> subsections.  One thing we need to work on is how we implement our driver
> modularity.  Except for the Matrox drivers, right now all the KGI drivers
> use .inc files for common code, which just swaps the code in using
> #includes.  This is bad.  Hopefully all this will be cleaned up during the
> move to Degas-KGI.

I have started to do link-time inclusinon if parts of my chipset
driver in the new WD code.  Right now it uses an autogenerated C 
file.  I can include support for one or more of the chipset
models and the main driver code will find them by strolling through
a global linked list of function tables which the objects attached.

Of course I'd prefer not to autogenerate a C file and insert the model
code through some sort of symbol manipulation with the linker,
but I'm not that good with linkers.  I can commit this (it's not
functional except for the code loading part and parts of the
detection code) if you want to look it over and size it up.

Brian S. Julin

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