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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998 23:32:23 +0200

Re: required libs

> P.S. by the way, if you havn't already done so, you should definitely
> investigate using libtool; Marcus' complaint about it stemmed from libtool
> commands taking twice as long as the equivalent gcc commands when he tried
> compiling a package using it, but I suspect that was because it was
> compiling both shared and static libraries (that is, two compilation passes,
> one for each, since they often require different compiler flags -- i.e. 
> -fPIC).  Compling both shared and static verisons is often the default for
> libtoolized stuff.

Nope, that's not the case. 
And to be entierly clear - libtool took twice as long to run
BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS to compile anything as the actual compilation.
Thus compiling a only a shared library took three times as long
with libtool as without it...

But this doesn't seem to happen since they upgraded the system to
Digital Unix 4.0D, and it's never happened at home on my Linuxbox,
so I guess I don't have anything against libtool anymore. :)

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |      E-Mail:

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