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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 12:07:59 +0200

Re: LibGGI clipping internals

> While we're busily upgrading libggi's gizzards, I'd like to rework the
> way non-clipping functions work, as follows :
>   a) Instead of just the "_" prefix (which is rather meaningless), have
>      a suffix of "_nc" (nc == non clipping).  Thus _drawpixel becomes
>      drawpixel_nc.
>   b) Add a putpixel_nc function to opdraw.

Good, ideas.

>   c) Update generic-stubs such that the only drawing functions that a
>      target HAS to implement is: putpixel_nc & getpixel.  This is handy
>      when prototyping a new target.  (Of course the other stuff SHOULD
>      be implemented to get half-decent performance).
> Any objections ?

Nope, sounds fine.


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