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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:43:46 +1000

LibGGI colormapping

The colormapping inside of LibGGI has always been dodgy, and now's a
great time to clean that up.  [BTW, I was rather surprised to see
default/linear-*/color.c vanish right before my eyes :)]

Here's the plan:  The ggi_visual structure has a "ggi_color *palette"
field which is non-NULL for GT_PALETTE modes, and contains the current

Then, we have a "generic-color" sub-library which implements
ggiMapColor() and ggiUnmapPixel() for GT_PALETTE modes (using
vis->palette) and GT_TRUECOLOR modes (using vis->pixelformat) and
GT_GREYSCALE modes (using a simple formula).  It also implements
ggiPackColors() and ggiUnpackPixels().

Although this could be done in generic-stubs, separating the color
mapping stuff from the drawing stuff is cleaner IMHO,  We could even
rename "generic-stubs" to "generic-draw" ... that would be nice.

What do you think ?  Again I'm happy to implement it.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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