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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 03:54:13 +0200

Re: Big changes to CVS tree

I've now added (mostly) proper stride handling to the generic-linear
libs. The LIBGGI_FB_HEIGHT/WIDTH macros have been removed to ensure
that they are not used in the wrong places. New macros
are LIBGGI_X/Y and LIBGGI_VIRTX/Y respectively.

I've tested the X and DGA targets in 16-bit mode and the SVGA
target in 16-bit mode. (Thorough testing of everything will
take place when all changes are done)

I have also found out that we _really_ need to cache dlopen()ed
libs so that they are only opened once: Linux doesn't seem to
actually unload a lib that is dlclose()d !

Try running findleaks.c on the X-target and watch the ggiOpen/Close
test leak ~20MB of memory...


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