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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 18:27:48 +0200

Re: Matrox BIOS upgrades (fwd)

> > Good point. As kgicon only runs on 2.1.107+ anyway we should switch to use
> > /proc/bus/pci/devices instead of /proc/pci.
> > 
> for my own config, i just replaced the cat /proc/pci with lspci, this
> solves the problem if you only have ONE PCI card, if you have more, it
> will detect the first grep that matches in the pci/main script.. but on
> the other hand, the old one did this too... well, anyway, this requires
> pcitools, which isn't in the standard set of tools people keep (unless
> they work alot with pci, as some of us) and we can't really realy on them
> having it since it's quite Linux specific, (ie. only works on Linux 2.1.84
> or higher I think... or whenever /proc/pci was changed

Unless the format of /proc/bus/pci/devices changes we don't need any
special tools:

VENDOR=`echo $DEVICELINE | cut -d'	' -f2 | cut -c1-4`
DEVICE_ID=`echo $DEVICELINE | cut -d'	 ' -f2 | cut -c5-8`

works fine.


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