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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 13:46:48 +0200

Re: Matrox BIOS upgrades (fwd)

> > I haven't added it to the Makefile, as I'm very busy with libggi right
> > now and don't know dialog very very. But please everyone, cd into the
> > degas/kgicon/kgi directory and run ../util/detectcard and see if the
> > resulting .config file is correct for your card.
> > 
> There seem to be a few issues here, first, PCI probe assumes 2.0.x style
> proc/pci interfacem while 2.1 nowdays use a /proc/bus/pci/ to keep trac of
> PCI devices...

Good point. As kgicon only runs on 2.1.107+ anyway we should switch to use
/proc/bus/pci/devices instead of /proc/pci.


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