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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 11:46:29 +1000

Re: Big changes to CVS tree

Marcus writes:

>  Anyway targetpriv was meant for targets, helperprivs for target-specific
>  helpers (ie helper-vgagl) and hwdrvpriv for hardware drivers like
>  the VGA and mystique drivers that were in dali.
>  generic was meant for ramdac, ioctl etc, but it obviously won't work
>  as they are almost always loaded simultaneously. Any ideas?

I was thinking of just a "void **priv" array in the ggi_visual, and we
hardcode certain index values to certain libraries, like 0 is always
display, 1 is always helper, 2 is always ramdac...  But we might as well
just do what you've done, have display_priv, helper_priv, ramdac_priv
etc...  I'd say stick with that unless someone has a bright idea.

>  >     ggi_directbuffer *d_frame;   /* current display frame */
>  >     ggi_directbuffer *r_frame;   /* current read frame */
>  >     ggi_directbuffer *w_frame;   /* current write frame */
>  > 
>  > And thus :
>  > 
>  >     #define LIBGGI_CURREAD(vis)   (vis->r_frame->read)
>  >     #define LIBGGI_CURWRITE(vis)  (vis->w_frame->write)
>  > 
>  > How does this sound ?  [I'm happy to implement all this].
>  Yeah, I wasn't really happy with this either after some thinking...
>  d_frame, r_frame and w_frame sounds perfect. Using them will also
>  allow us to keep the app/priv separation, which I think we should.
>  I'd also be happy if you implemented this. ;-)

OK, I'll get on it.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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