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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 02:01:26 +0200

Re: libGGI doc update

> +The format of the buffers used by the ggiGet* and ggiPut* functions are
> +defined by ggi_pixelformat:
> +
> +(How do you get to this structure? -steve)

With the ggiGetPixelFormat() function, which haven't been added yet.

> +<!-- Access width is the same as host CPU?  It's not in DB anymore.

I've removed them for now, because I serioulsy doubt that there exists
a framebuffer that can be mapped linearly into memory, and yet can't
be acessed in whatever way the CPU supports. If anyone knows such a 
device they'll go back in.

> +<p>Return DirectBuffer with number <tt/bufnum/.  The application must check
> +if it is suitable for use. (e.g. <tt/type==GGI_DB_SIMPLE_PLB | GGI_DB_NORMAL/)

We should probably make clear that all DirectBuffers are "suitable for use",
provided that you know how to use them.

> +<item><tt/ggiSetFlags(/<it/myvis/<tt/,GGIFLAG_SYNC);/
>  switches to synchronous mode.

Wrong, should be ggiUnsetFlags(myvis,GGIFLAG_ASYNC)

Good work btw.


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