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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 13:20:26 +0200

Re: Big changes to CVS tree

> I have changed tile and xf86dga to compile. Tile won't work correctly yet.
> xf86dga can't switch resolutions because it only knows stride of default
> resolution. Just quick-hacks to try to help around.

Nice, thanks. But what's the problem with the stride?
The only way the stride in DGA modes is going to change is if you
restart the X-server and change either colordepth or the virtual
x-size of the display.

> Committed them and fix to
> display/memory/mode.c problem:
>         LIBGGI_APPBUFS(vis)[0]->buffer.plb.stride
>                 = (GT_SIZE(mode->graphtype)+7)/8*mode->virt.y;
>                                                        ^^^^^^
> it's virt.x!!!
> You need to get some sleep, my friend :-)

Yeah, I probably did. That was one of the last things I coded,
around 0430 in the morning or so. Actually I even remember pasting in 
(GT_SIZE(mode->graphtype)+7)/8*mode->virt.x and manually changing
it to virt.y. Must have been really tired. ;-)


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