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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 15:46:22 -0700 (PDT)

Re: Matrox BIOS upgrades (fwd)

On Sun, 9 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> This reminds me - I grabbed the old autoconfig script from
> the dali-snapshot, polished it up a bit and fixed it to generate
> a kgicon compatible .config file.

	Nice!  Don't forget that I took the autoconfig stuff out of the 
makefile system, though.

> But where shall we put it? degas/config/scripts or somewhere
> in degas/kgicon ?

	I'd put it in degas/kgicon/utils/autoconfig.  People are going to 
be downloading kgicon and deleting the rest of Degas, and when that 
happens all the kgicon stuff should still work.  And when kgicon finally 
gets into the kernel, the same situation will exist.


'Cloning and the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in 
becoming one with God.'
	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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