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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 15:15:38 -0400 (EDT)

Re: kgicon problem

On Sun, 9 Aug 1998, Dirk Lattermann wrote:
> However, when I insmodded kgicon.o (using the insert script), the
> system froze, showing vertical grey bars with some coloured dots in the
> upper half. Did I make a mistake or is vga-kgicon, or the kernel,
> still buggy? I had the dali vga driver running, some time earlier!

The 4bit modes with the std vga driver currently lock the machine.
Same symptoms you describe.

See my post a couple of days ago on "vga kgicon problem summary" for 
how to get it working with 1bit modes.  

Note though that there is a bug that causes a kernel oops in
the fbcon renderer for 1bit modes; probably the same one that
happened to people in 8-bit modes when they started lynx.  It
happened to me in emacs tho.

Is this bug fixed under 8-bit modes now?  If so, can anyone
venture how to fix 1-bit modes similarly?

Brian S. Julin

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