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  From: WHS <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 18:02:51 +0200

Re: Big changes to CVS tree

Emmanuel Marty wrote:
> Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > I've started implementing the new DirectBuffer scheme and also doing
> > a general cleanup of libggi.
> Ok - will give it a compilation try and testing, and probably porting ggidoom,
> warp and such to the new scheme, when you are finished today.

I just converted most of my stuff but I'm not sure about the keys in
descent/maelstrom (haven't tested descent yet, haven't even touched the
maelstrom patch yet). I just removed all the U() and KTYPE stuff and
converted the key constants and hope it will work :) I'll put some
thought into it later. I'd be interested in the doom patch when you
finish it.

WARNING! Offtopic ramblings:
from another post:

> > > The main components we plan to have are:
> > >     * A sound API + some  kind of sound server to do mixing etc.
> >
> > Hmm - Wouter has made a nice server called GSI for the GGI-port of descent
> > (the first one to run on Linux-Alpha :-). Might be worth a look.
> >
> Wouter's work is awesome, and definitely worth a look. It is of professional
> quality for usage in games.


0.3/0.4 was used already by a company making a win32/linux game but I
don't know how the game is progressing (nor if they switched to
something else ..). An interesting comment was that 'it's
a joy to use compared to direct sound'. That's what I aim for of course:
a totally minimalistic, understandable, consistent, simple to use but
powerfull system giving full access to all features.

For those interested in gsi, the new version is taking a lot longer than
I envisioned but I'm getting there. I think another week before 0.7 will
be released.
some features:
	- midi plays on FM, GUS; MIDI pause works (worked around an OSS bug);
cd playing works on linux/*BSD (tested on OpenBSD); voc files work,
support for 'ultrasound drivers' almost ready (damn that takes time, the
docs are incredibly bad/nonexistant for that driver), cleaned up api,
added direct-dsp api which abstracts the underlying API without adding
overhead, that could be used by programs like quake that insist on
direct dsp access (result: you can use other sound drivers than OSS
without resorting to emulation in those drivers), gsiplay is much
better, etc.

Also, I patched doom to use gsi, very little code change. Now I must add
.MUS support to gsi or convert MUS -> MIDI before sending to the server
and music shoud be fully functional too. btw, the doom docs talk about
latency in the sound server that should be lessened by a SHM mixer
buffer and/or other approaches; this is rubbish. The doom sndserver as
is uses fragsizes that result in .05 to .1 s delays. No wonder! A small
change and I get .023 to .035 s delays (just as gsi uses when using the
recommended values) which isn't really noticeable.

Last but not least, I will finally also make music in descent work (and
look at making the SW version go, has anyone alse look at making it go

Don't know if I'll be at that IRC meeting tonight btw.


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