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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 09:18:26 -0700

picky, picky

I've been staring at that GGI puzzle piece logo every time I check
the web page, and I like it, but some things about it bugged me,
so I took it and made some *small* changes which I think make it
look a lot better.

See it at

Basically, the puzzle pieces are now really shaped like puzzle
pieces, and the letters on the pieces look better.

If it ends up being used, whoever designed the original should
obviously still get all the credit, assuming they don't mind
having their name attached to something I've "soiled". :-)

Oh, and it was created in Adobe Illustrator, and I can provide
it in vector format, higher res, antialiased, etc. if anyone is

-Neal Tucker

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