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  From: Alex Roberts <>
  To  : ggi develop list <>
  Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 17:04:23 +0000

KGI? agh...

Hello, again..
Sorry for being such a pain (??) but...
I've decided to go for it, and install KGI (is that it? or is it GGIcon?) on
the current 2.1.115 devel kernel (well 2.1.115ac1), just wanna know _how_???

i have the current Stable CVS version of GGI, the configure script won't let
me patch the kernel or do anything to the kernel... how exactly to i get KGI,
etc into the kernel...

Also, (i'm not sure if this is just me but..) the 'Console Drivers' section of
the 2.1.115 config will only let me select 'VGA text console', all the other
options are greyed out (using xconfig) (menuconfig only has 'VGA text
console')!! I guess this is just me (i had the same probs with 2.1.114), has
anyone else had this problem? how do i fix it?!


|                   |  ___ ________  \_*_|   
| Alex Roberts      |  |__][__ |___    \ |   
||  |__]___]|___    /\| 
| I live in England, and I'm proud of it |
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