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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 12:08:52 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Big changes to CVS tree

On Sat, 8 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> > Excuse my ignorance, what do you mean?
> > 
> > That weird comment in visual.c?
> Yep. It was in virtually every visual.c file in the tree,
> and didn't make sense in any of them. :)

I didn't think it was such a large problem :-)

> But by the looks of things people have done a lot of cut-n-paste

No, I copy whole files :-)

> without thinking. Things like including sys/mman.h in a file
> that doesn't do any functioncalls and doesn't use any non ANSI-C
> types at all makes me wonder how long the responsible person
> had been coding without a break...

> Also, a file containg maybe 20 lines of code that is copyrighted
> by three people is sort of amusing.

Why not?  If you copy a whole file, even if you end up cutting all the parts
anyway it is still somebody else's work

May be we should put this somewhere in coding style:

Every visual.c needs an obligatory 

 * We are guaranteed to have been checked already...
Every C file should start with a comment saying briefly what it is

 /* Graphics library for GGI. */

If in doubt about a piece of code, put /* FIXME!!! */ around of it.
(thinking of display/X/visual.c, GGIdlcleanup(), what the hell is that for?)

Sorry, couldn't resist, really tired of debugging that and
random segfaults under display-vnc...

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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