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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 07:47:35 -0700

Re: / vs \ [Re: PenguinPlay IRC meeting. GGI developers wanted]

Emmanuel Marty says:
> Back when I wrote games ...

 [... things were simpler, and we didn't save games, we wrote
  down everything we did so we could repeat it later, and we
  didn't have shoes, and we *liked* it. :-)]
> Except for the 8+3 naming scheme that isn't really relevant anymore,
> why would a game need to access data differently that than these
> days ? It doesn't have to use absolute paths and be aware of where
> it is installed, right ?

You are correct.  I was responding to the suggestions about a
generic I/O library, which sounds like it's got a larger scope
than what you're talking about.  If you're going to use this for
general-purpose file access, it's got to be better.  I get very
irritated when I try to run a dumb windows installer which fails
because it can't handle the fact that it (the installer) resides
on a server which is being accessed using UNC paths, as opposed
to being mapped to a drive letter.  It's completely avoidable,
but some of the assumptions suggested here contribute to that
sort of thing.

-Neal Tucker

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