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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 15:46:49 +0200

Re: Big changes to CVS tree

> Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > I've started implementing the new DirectBuffer scheme and also doing
> > a general cleanup of libggi.
> Ok - will give it a compilation try and testing, and probably porting ggidoom,
> warp and such to the new scheme, when you are finished today.
> Jarno (iXalance author) - please consider recompiling iXalance for GGI
> against the new libggi ? Right now I have done some magic to get iXalance
> to use an older set of libs, but I'd rather not keep that on my system for
> too long :)

You're welcome to do that, but note that this may not be the final
API, as we haven't discussed it with Andy yet.

But on the other hand it will definitely be closer to the final API
than to the API any existing GGI apps use, so porting to this API
may be a good idea anyway. :)

> > The current CVS tree doesn't compile, I did a commit because I'm
> > going to continue the work in school where I have a fast netconnection
> > and lots of 433MHz Alphas with 17" screens *grin*.
> And you can test there is no endianness or 32-bit bias anywhere :-)

Endianess? Alphas are little-endian too, at least when running
Digital Unix... ;-)

> > Hopefully I'll have most things at least compiling before going
> > to the Waterfestival tonight.
> Waterfestival ? Mm, wonder if it's the same kind of festival we have tonight
> in my city, the Aurora Borealis .. :) Supposedly one of the biggest rave
> parties
> in Europe, except for the last couple of years it has turned into a st00pid
> dance festival..

No, it's not a raveparty, it's more of a... well, festival ;)
20% of the people within a 20km radius from Stockholm pack 
themselves into an area in central Stockholm with a 1km radius,
trying to have a good time. :)
There's some info about it at
if you're intrested.

Btw, while looking at the libggi sources I repeatedly ask myself:
Who is it that have been checked and why, and by whom...


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