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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 13:00:38 +0000

Re: Matrox BIOS upgrades (fwd)

Jon M. Taylor wrote:

> Since this is of interest to other Matrox users, I've posted to the linux
> mailing list to get the BIOS upgrades for Matrox cards, go to this URL and
> download the (542k file). You'll need to run it from DOS. :o(
> This contains versions of BIOSes for most of the Matroxes.
> Also, contains links to
> each Matrox graphic adapter sold by Matrox.

Cool, thanks for the forwarding Jon :) The guy didn't mention if that'd bring
VESA 2.0 capability in the BIOS, by any chance? My mystique does VBE
1.3 .. (my AGP mill II is vesa 2.0 compliant tho..).. Just asking as I would
have to go through a large bother to run DOS or win-anything again.. :)


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