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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 07:49:49 +0000

Re: ggiGetPixelFormat and proposed new DirectBuffer scheme

Sengan Baring-Gould wrote:

> Hey dude... That's an Amiga Coder. You need to talk to an Atari ST coder to get
> the best 68000 ;-)

Bah, of course, the Atari was a PC w/ a 68000, so you needed to do
everything with the CPU, so you had to optimize *duck* :-)

> movep.l d0, (address)
> 24 cycles versus ( ror = 6+2n = 6 + 16 = 22 cycles, swap is 4 if I remember
> correctly,
> making a total of 48 CYCLES (TWICE AS MUCH) for Manu's optimized solution)

Hey now, I didn't claim it was an optimized solution :) I was just illustrating
bswap explanation and similarity with m68K :) This said, I thought movep stored
bytes noncontiguously or something ? (an instruction I never recall using on the
amiga, but which was most useful on the ST with the fscked-up interleaved
bitplanes words and such? :)


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