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  From: Wolf Shaman <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 15:27:03 +0200 (CEST)

Multiple boards.

Should a single driver handle all detected instances of that board?
Currently they just seem to handle the first instance detected (via
pcibios atleast) and loading the driver a second time will fail (atleast
the Matrox drivers, which is what I read), handeling more than one
instance of a board shouldn't be too hard in the Matrox drivers, (both the
existing ones, and mine)... if the driver should be loaded twice,we need
to either pass a bus and devfn (for PCI) to the driver, wich isn't exactly
what most users have a clue about, or probably prefered, tell it to
register the next board, checking if every baord it find along the way is
registerd or not, is there a method for this? I guess I could
mem_region_claim the aperture of each card I findto see if it's busy..

but first, how should multiple cards be handled?

Johan Karlberg

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