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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 17:08:39 -0400 (EDT)

Re: vga kgicon problem summary

On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> 	I wouldn't favor this.  We are just now getting to a more clean
> and logical separation of components within GGI.  Lack of this caused us
> problems in the past.  IMHO, all parts of GGI (GGI Console, LibGGI, KGI,
> KGI drivers, KII) should be usable on their own or in any combination with
> other GGI parts.  In particular video drivers and consoles should remain
> separated, whether they be fbcon/fbdev or GGI Console/KGI.

No, no.

I didn't mean to suggest the full scroller; something along the lines
of textops or whatever minimal subset of that can implement an fbcon
would be fine.  None of the Degas drivers proper actually had their own 
custom scrollers.  My point is it's more trouble than
it's worth to try to mesh the fbcon renderers and KGI drivers.
You'd basically have to end up writing a backend renderer for lots of
chipsets; and if you're going to do that you maight as well
do it in a way that GGI-Console will find useful.

And note they don't _have_ to be bundled with the drivers.  In fact,
they'd more likely be better built from libggi driver-libs and linked
in optionally.

Brian S. Julin

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