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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 16:55:18 -0400 (EDT)

Re: vga kgicon problem summary

On 7 Aug 1998, Jason McMullan wrote:
>    Please note that that scroller subsystem is a big part of GGI
> Console. We need to chat with Steffen (#kgi channel on 

Umm.  Is it really?  It looks quite separable in fact.
It's the terminal emulators that are tied close to GGI-Console;
the scrollers/texops are neatly modularized away from them.

Steffen's new system looks mainly to be concerned with accelerator FIFOs.
I don't see how this would effect the scroller API.  In fact when
a console is on the screen being driven by in-kernel scroller
code, there is essentially only single threaded access to the accelerator
and framebuffer, and no userspace process with access to it.

In fact we do not even need to implement anything beyond the 
text_ops for fbcon, so we aren't even really using a "scroller" perse,
just a compiled in mini-driver-lib.

Not to say that I wouldn't enjoy a talk with Steffen  :).

Brian S. Julin

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