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  From: Thomas Tanner <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 19:50:04 +0000

Re: linux-journal

Jan Kneschke wrote:
> is there a possibility to buy the LJ in germany ?? i wanna have the current
> issue. (andi's libggi article)

 AFAIK every bigger kiosk (maybe at your local railway station) in Germany offers LJ. 
 If you really can't find it there I could buy it here and send it to you (but LJ
 is very expensive in Germany and it's quality is IMHO poorer than that of Linux Magazin)
> i have only read the ddj-article this from july-issue. i think we should
> promote ggi in german-mags too. i think c't and linux-magazin would be happy
> for such articles. for every german in here: just look at tom's-readme (LM).
 I know Tom Schwaller (Linux Magazin) personally and he likes GGI.
 But he probably wants us to work on GGI rather than writing articles about it :) 
 c't wants to bring Linux to the masses, but it's IMHO to early to publish an article 
 about such a special issue as GGI.

Thomas Tanner -----------------------------

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