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  From: Jan Kneschke <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 21:08:23 +0200 (MEST)

Re: ML problems (And two repeated questions) =)

On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Emmanuel Marty wrote:

> David Waite wrote:
> > Apparently no message I send from Netscape mail is making it onto the list.
> Are you running it as root ? *duck* :) If yes, the ML will consider it
> as system mail and not post it to the list..
> > I am wondering who I need to contact to get CVS access. I have partially
> > working Ramdac drivers for the IBM RGB 52x series (still some problem, I
> > have other people sayind they work for them but I can't seem to get them
> > working with my computer.
> Cool! I was wondering how that one was going; nice to know you have it
> working, even if it's not complete yet .. Email me a login/crypted password
> pair privately and I'll open your devel cvs access ...
> > Also with kgicon:
> > 1) you switch over to the new scheme by doing con2fbmap 0 1 right?
> Basically.. Be sure to read Andrew's and Jon's emails on the list as they
> explain many traps to be avoided.. (agreed with someone who said that
> on the list today, one should really collect these mails and make a
> small doc - Hartmut? ;)
> > 2) how can you rmmod the driver? If it isn't possible now, is there any way
> > to test the code without making it a module? (someone was mentioning a suid
> > wrapper for the drivers I think).
> Yes, andreas worked on a suid-kgi bridge before kgicon came into light. I
> believe you need to modify the driver fairly to get it to run, but it's known
> to
> work with the vga driver, iirc..

i have done the remove-part for the virge-driver. i will do the same thing
for the vision-driver if i have a working platform i can test it on. after
this is done i will tell you what i have done it get it working.

but please be patient, i don't have plenty of time in the next 2 weeks.
> --
> Emmanuel

thats all

       Project: GGI - S3-Vision-driver --
         -)=  Jan (Weigon) Kneschke -- Kiel -- Northern Germany =(-

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