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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 12:54:17 -0500

ML problems (And two repeated questions) =)

Apparently no message I send from Netscape mail is making it onto the list.

I am wondering who I need to contact to get CVS access. I have partially
working Ramdac drivers for the IBM RGB 52x series (still some problem, I
have other people sayind they work for them but I can't seem to get them
working with my computer.

Also with kgicon:
1) you switch over to the new scheme by doing con2fbmap 0 1 right?

2) how can you rmmod the driver? If it isn't possible now, is there any way
to test the code without making it a module? (someone was mentioning a suid
wrapper for the drivers I think). I could finish up a lot quicker if I could
avoid rebooting to read the log =)

-David Waite (Anxiously awaiting seeing this on the ML so he can stop

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