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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 6 Aug 1998 18:20:03 GMT

libGGI config/make changes

   I have modified the libGGI make system such that:

	a) default/{ramdac,ioctl,...} and other KGI-related
	   modules do NOT get built if the KGI target is
	   not built.

	b) The demos/Makefile was modified to NOT build
	   tunemode is the KGI target was not being built.

	c) scripts/configure was modified to provide a
	   `TARG_<disp>=on' line in libggi/.config for
	   each active target to allow (a) and (b).
	     This also means that in adding any new
	   targets to the script, TARG_<disp> MUST
	   be the same as libggi/display/<disp>

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
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