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  From: Jeff <>
  To  :
  Date: 06 Aug 1998 09:12:22 -0700

Re: Message for GGI folks... (fwd)

"Jon M. Taylor" <> writes:

> Here's what you need to do: write a new web-page.  It should contain:
>   1. A ``.deb'' and a ``.rpm'' containing libggi compiled for
>      X and fbdev targets.  Post both libc5 and glibc versions.
>   2. A separate ``.deb'' and ``.rpm'' containing the demo programs.
>   3. Instructions for setting environment variables before running
>      the demos, and how to run the demos from inside X.
>   4. Instructions for how to compile a kernel with vesafb or vgafb support.
>   5. Precompiled modules for the kgicon drivers that people can
>      insert into their kernels.  Make sure you support several different
>      kernel versions.
> Yeah, it's a pain in the ass... but do you want people to use this
> stuff, or NOT!?
> Hide the old web-page.  Especially the obsolete documentation, and the
> silly diatribes about why KGI is so great.  You don't want people to
> bore people, you just want to tell them how to install it, and give
> them the tools they need to do it.

this guy is COMPLETELY right about making it easier to
compile/understand.  I got it up pretty fast, but I made the same
mistake of getting the rpm which was sadly sadly out of date, so i
said OK, I'll get the latest dev snapshot, which again was horribly
out of date, couldnt compile anything with it, so then i got cvs and
everything was fine.  But that took basically an entire evening to get
up and running just to see a demo or two.


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