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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 5 Aug 1998 18:47:32 GMT

Re: Removal of GGI Console from Degas

Jon M. Taylor <> wrote with confidence:
> 	OK, so Degas-KGI will be basically an improved fbcon+fbdev,
> compatible with the existing Linux console, right?  That would make a nice
> intermediate step between the current system and GGI Console.  So now we 
> have the following "battle plan" if I read everything correctly:
> [snip the developer's complete understanding of my thoughts] 
> 	That sound about right?

	Yep. GGI Console is currently a `test bed' for ideas
that may go into KGI/KII. By having a separate CVS, I can 
bang away and break code all over the place, yet not affect
normal users.

	Steffen, could you post a synopsis of what the new
KGI/KII structures will be?

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
  already built into the User?
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