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  From: Paul Sargent <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 01:12:39 +0100

RE: Stereo Graphics Support

I just want to say that the Permedia Chips already have the hardware
side done, so the technology is here now.


>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Steven Johnson []
>Sent:	Tuesday, August 04, 1998 12:19 PM
>Subject:	Stereo Graphics Support
>Im not sure if its been mentioned or discussed before but:
>I Think any new video interface system should have support for
>stereoscopic viewing. Either with LCD Shutter Glasses or Head Mounted
>Displays. Windows has no standard way of doing this, and given the
>architecture of the windows drivers it is very difficult to "tack it
>Basically all that is needed is the ability to support several special
>"tweaked" video modes, and a mechanism for having frame synch control.
>(To toggle the eye/frame for LCD Shutter Glasses.) Also some new cards
>have support for this in hardware so it makes sense for the video
>drivers to expose this functionality in a standard way.
>What do other people think.
>3d Games are way cool with LCD Shutter glasses and the biggest thing
>holding back this technology is a standard programming interface.
>Steven Johnson.

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