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  From: David Fries <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 23:38:12 -0500

What kernel to use?

On Mon, Aug 03, 1998 at 04:05:22PM -0700, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> 	Yes.  The kgicon directory contains a bridge that will allow you
> to use KGI video drivers on a stock linux kernel (you need 2.1.107 or
> later, and you should try to use the newest one).  Do 'su -c "make 
> install"' in the kgicon directory to make a required symlink, and then do 
> a make in the kgi directory under that to configure and build a driver.  
> After that is done, run the "insert" script in the kgi directory and you 
> should be up and running.
> 	We need to modify the makefile system after Jason does his thing
> to automate all of this.  I'll give it a try tonight. 

I'm trying to migrate to the degas ggi and I'm having problems building a
kernel to run with it.  Would you tell me what kernel version should work
and what options I need compiled in and what needs to be compiled out to

I was trying to compile 2.1.108 with CONFIG_FB_VGA=y CONFIG_FB_VESA=y and
other options that make sense.  After the kernel loaded and was
decompressed the screen was displaying black on black text and rebooted.  I
had similar problems with other kernels I compiled and 2.1.110 had scsi
problems so it couldn't mount the file system.

For cvs I was using
and had updated the tree this afternoon.  But, until I get a kernel to boot
with FBCON support it isn't going to matter what ggi tree I have sitting on
my disk, (I'm assuming I need FBCON in the kernel for kgicon).

If I could patch the kernel like I used to with ggi using the newer degas
I'll go for that if you tell me how.

		|      David Fries                |
		|        |

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